

I'm back-tracking to Tuesday's passage. It was so good that I wanted to blog my thoughts about it. That, and today's passage is gonna need a little more digesting....

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12):

Blessed are the humbled, the broken, the righteousness-seekers, the peacemakers....

However, blessed, more strongly-put by Jesus, are the persecuted.

Some questions I asked myself:
Why do our habits and patterns out-weigh our passion and willingness to be persecuted?
Why is comfort so convenient?
Why do we think normal followers of Christ get to have comfort and easy-going lives?
Why have we settled for less than God has called us to?
Why do we think being persecuted is being looked down on or being frowned upon?
Why do we think being persecuted is missing a party or a few fun times?

It's not that. It's more.

Persecution hurts.

Sadly, I can't say it hurts me to be a Christian right now. Not in America. Not with all the stuff and the support and the convenient circumstances. I don't hurt like Jesus called me to.

Jesus hurt. He knew how big the cause was and he knew the price.

I think we've gotten too afraid to even hear the cost, much less pay up.

What will it take for me to throw everything I have and want out of the window and truly surrender to the cause of Christ - whatever the cost, however severe the persecution?

After all, "blessed are those who are persecuted."



Here's to my reading in Matthew - specifically seeking to be more like Jesus by finding out who he was and what he did and who he is and what he wants to do in and through me:

Salt & Light (Matthew 5:13-16)

God has called us to do more than just sit here and do nothing.

Christ said we're a light.
-Light is important.
-We need light to see
-to see clearly.

He wants us to show people the way.
We can't show people the way if we don't know the way.
We can't be a light unless we have the light.

God, turn on the light.
I want the light.
I have...I am the light.