Wow. It's been forever since I've last commented.
So, I just got back last Friday from the Deepening.
Wow! It was amazing! I got a lot closer to God and really developed a great hunger for Him. I also feel that I am going through an awesome growth spurt in leadership and spiritually, partially, I think, as a result of such an impacting trip. I'm ready to worship this week in Reality and to see the other students engage in worship as well. I think after this past week in Grapevine, Reality worship is only going to get more and more passionate and that we will only grow closer and closer to God. I saw some really intimate worshippers develop last week; even people I never would have imagined raising there hands were on their knees, hands raised, pouring their life out to God. I can't wait to see where He leads our youth group. It's going to be great!
Hey, I totally agree with what you've just said. I ,also, feel this great urge of passion that is going to come out of Reality in worship, there is no way I would ever miss that!
I can't wait to see Reality's response when a group of students come back fired up for God. I believe it is going to be contagious and spread like fire!!!
There's nothing like seeking God. It is my hope that we continue to push through our comfort zones, past our inhibitions of "what will other people think" and connect with a God who created us to do exactly what we did at the Deepening; worship with all that we are. We have experienced what happens when we do, God blesses us with His incredible presence!
I totally agree! We were talking in our SS class about how we need to keep the passion for God and how we are going to be around people who didn't get to go to the Deepening. We need to be passionate because Worship is contagious and we need to make others who would normally talk or zone out during worship worship with all they have. They need to see our passion and want to live a life like "that". I can't wait until Wed. when we get to see God in action!
It's amazing the changes that can take place in a person's life when they have had a real moment with God! As you experience your "growth spurt" remember, T., your growth can be a catalyst for others to grow as you model worship and a Christ-like life for others. I definitely see it in you!
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