

Don't you want to be an good and wise person? Doesn't everyone?

After spending time in the Bible today at the church, I've decided to make that one of my ambitions--to be a good and wise person. Sounds exciting, right? Haha.

So I read in James 3, that wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings. So I thought, that's accomplishable! I can get along with people and be reasonable, and
can have an abundance of mercy and blessings, right? Of course it may take a lot of effort to get along with everyone and be totally forgiving and generous, but still its doable.

Then I read Psalms 112. It said this of a good person: giving; solid and lasting reputation; unfazed by rumor or gossip; heart ready, trusting in God; firm spirit, relaxed among enemies; ceaseless generosity; an honored life, and a beautiful life. This time I though to myself, I've got to work on the giving thing a little, I'm pretty sure my reputation is okay, I might need some help on being unfazed by rumor/gossip, I know my heart is ready and trusting in God, I don't have many enemies but I know that they don't affect me unbearably, and that I usually like to share. And of course, I would love to have an honored and beautiful life. Again, this is all doable. I can work on these things.

That's when I got a little excited about being a good, wise person some day. I want an honored life, and a beautiful one as well. Now I know what wisdom looks like and I want to go for it. I want to be gentle and reasonable, getting along with people, unfazed by rumor and gossip, absolutely generous and giving, and overflowing with blessings.

That's what God wants all of us to be right? My goal for now is to work on becoming a good and wise person, not that I will completely accomplish it anytime soon, but that I'll be striving for it.

I challenge you, too, to share the same ambition that I have. To be good in God's eyes and to have wisdom, like God's wisdom.


Alex Johnson said...

That's awesome. I've been feeling like God has been challenging me to do something new..something more for him..I think it's great that you feel like everyone should want to be wise and I agree with you. You are a great person and are very passionate about God..Those are great qualities that we should all have.Don't ever Change!(which I doubt you would anyways)

Michael said...

What is great about God is that no matter where you are at on your journey, whatever God is showing you it all leads to the same place; a life that reflects Him. God has been reminding me of His goodness. What He has done. Maybe its because I don't really get what He did for me. Its like this guy who came in the music store the other day. His grandfather bought him a drumset and he was not showing much gratitude at all. In fact, he hissed some profane things to his grandfather! If I had said anything close to what this kid said I definitely wouldn't get the drumset, probably a black eye and a good whoopin' or grounded for months. I want to be a grateful person and have at least some understanding of what God has done for me.