Do you know what that means? You're ONE DECADE!
Have you ever been just satisfied? Even though things around you may be a mess. That's how I feel right now. My family has gone through a lot this year, as a few of you may know, but even yet, I am content with where I am in life. Last Sunday, C.T. read us a verse about being content, even with unusual circumstances. I think I've made it to that point. Sure there are things that bother me in life, but I'm still satisfied. Things like really accomplishing a consistent quiet time and practicing piano daily, getting things done like fixing my door lock, buying bulbs for my lamps and frames for two of my pictures, and a couple of other things. I'm fine with where I am and who I've become.
My sister, Arin, and her husband, Seth, are great examples of contentment. Arin is a "haircut lady" and Seth cleans parking lots with a street sweeper truck. They teach Sunday School at Christian A/G in Sherwood. They also live in a partially complete home. They have sheets for doors and are living in basically two rooms. They have two cars, one of which isn't very nice at all, that they drive thirty minutes to work and church and thirty minutes back everyday. Despite their circumstances, they are happy people. They really enjoy life as it is. Sure they would like to hurry and finish their house and eventually buy Seth a truck, but for now, they are content with unusual circumstances.
I wish the world was content. What if everyone was happy with where they are in life?
Tell me what you think.
There is a balance between ambition and contentment. I am learning to find that balance. Your thoughts have sparked other ways to approach contentment for me. Thanks THill.
Ya know I think several people in this world aren't content with where they are in life. We want everything now and aren't willing to wait or put fourth effort to attain it. Right now I'm very content with where I am in life. Good stuff. Thanks T-Hill
I love the story that missionary Bill McDonald told Sunday night. When he, the relatively rich American, asked the tribal chief - who had absolutely nothing - what he could do for him, he didn't ask for money or things. He asked for someone to teach them the Word of God. Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn't it?
I want to be content with the worldly goods I have, but never content with what I know of God.
Good, thought-provoking stuff, T.
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