I can usually sense when the team isn't "all there" or when they aren't playing/singing with excellence. I know that means that's something's not right today; something's not clicking. God isn't at the top, because stress has pushed Him down to the bottom. God needs to be at the top. Sometimes when the team is stressed or distracted by heavy stuff in our lives, it's best to stop practicing for worship, and start worshiping. Even worship leaders forget to worship sometimes when we need to the most.
There's something about God's presence and His unfailing peace. When things are pulling at us and stressing us out during the week, we have to stop what we're doing, wherever we are, and worship God. We must put down our problems and lift up our hands. We must abandon our prideful attempts to solve and run to the ultimate fixer of things.
God isn't an idiot - He knows when stuff is messed up in your life. He is just waiting on the magic words - "God, help me." We sing the song, "Whisper His name and He will answer you," but we kind of dismiss its simple truth - all we have to do is whisper His name (just say "Jesus"), and He comes running to you, ready to fix stuff.
So are you stressed?
Stop what you're doing, wherever you are.
God will come and answer you.