...was passionate tonight at Reality. God's presence was BIG! As I looked about the room from the stage, I noticed hands and voices raised to God like I haven't seen in Reality in a while. It was cool. And it is cool....
Do you ever just know that God is near. Or that He's moving around, stirring things up that have been settled for far too long? God is taking over my peers and making them into His worshippers. How awesome--to be called God's, to belong to God.
I belong to God because He made me.
I belong to God because He bought me with His own blood.
I belong to God because He has a home for me in the future.
I belong to God because He has made me His worshipper. I make God smile. He sees me and Reality with our hands raised and our hearts open, and He smiles.
You know, smiles are great. When someone smiles at me, no matter what my day has looked like or what sort of mood I'm in, I get happy and I feel loved.
That's only if another person smiles at me. Think about God! When He smiles at us, how loved and how joyous we should be.
So just think--when we worship and acknowledge God's glory and His power, He smiles. And smiles, for some reason, make people happier.
Thus, us worshipping = God smiling = us happier people. Sounds like a good deal to me.