

To type "Eleven." for the title seems so cool because I have started a weekly tradition that could last me a lifetime for all I know. Someday, when I'm at "Five-hundred and fifty-two." I'll look back and see what was going on in my teenage life and laugh a little I'm sure. By then I'll be a worship leader and maybe have written a book or two. I'll probably have a wife and kids, as well. Isn't that cool? Now seems like it's as good as it will ever be and that now IS my life, but it's not. There's a later and an in the future. But it's up to me now, how I make the later and in the future happen.

[long pause in the reading of this post]

I'm reading a book by Louie Giglio called "i am not but i know I AM". It's great. I really love his writing after reading "The Air I Breathe", so I bought it this week and started reading. He says that the real story of life is God--I AM--the main character and true star of time and eternity. He is at center stage in all of Creation, and He wants you to know Him by name. Knowing I AM means celebrating your smallness in light of His greatness.

That's awesome. To know the huge and powerful Creator of the universe by His name. It's not just that He knows my name, but that I actually know His, too. So, we're friends with the Maker of all things. It's the realization that I am small and that God is big, yet I can be up-front and personal with Him that amazes me. And also that since we are little and He is big, we don't need to waste our time making a big deal out of ourselves. We need to constantly put the light on God, which we know commonly as worship.

I encourage you to read this book, if you haven't already. It has definitely changed my way of thinking about life and mine and Christ's relationship. Thanks for reading this week!



Do you know what that means? You're ONE DECADE!

Have you ever been just satisfied? Even though things around you may be a mess. That's how I feel right now. My family has gone through a lot this year, as a few of you may know, but even yet, I am content with where I am in life. Last Sunday, C.T. read us a verse about being content, even with unusual circumstances. I think I've made it to that point. Sure there are things that bother me in life, but I'm still satisfied. Things like really accomplishing a consistent quiet time and practicing piano daily, getting things done like fixing my door lock, buying bulbs for my lamps and frames for two of my pictures, and a couple of other things. I'm fine with where I am and who I've become.

My sister, Arin, and her husband, Seth, are great examples of contentment. Arin is a "haircut lady" and Seth cleans parking lots with a street sweeper truck. They teach Sunday School at Christian A/G in Sherwood. They also live in a partially complete home. They have sheets for doors and are living in basically two rooms. They have two cars, one of which isn't very nice at all, that they drive thirty minutes to work and church and thirty minutes back everyday. Despite their circumstances, they are happy people. They really enjoy life as it is. Sure they would like to hurry and finish their house and eventually buy Seth a truck, but for now, they are content with unusual circumstances.

I wish the world was content. What if everyone was happy with where they are in life?

Tell me what you think.



Fresh. Renewed. Sure. Alive.

I am these.

Life has been quite a mess these last few days. Thursday I thought I was going to explode, I had so many things to do. For Friday, I had two projects due (simple, but important) and two tests (Algebra 2 PAP, and World History PAP), as well as piano lessons from 5:30-6. That night I worked and worked and got my projects done. Friday came and I didn't even finish my math test. I had about seven questions left. Then I took my history test and who knows how I did on that. 80% of the class usually gets D's and F's on every test, after studying. After that the day was great. I went to Fine Arts and worked sound with P.J. in the Reality Room. And Saturday was great, too, except that I was very tired. By Sunday morning, I wasn't ready for church and I really didn't feel like worshipping. I was ready to nap in Sunday School, SLAM, and Drama practice.

But tonight during worship, I thought back to what Pastor Rod said this morning and knew that God was with me the whole time and that He is taking care of me. After I realized that, I felt like worshipping and suddenly became excited and awake in His presence.

At a certain point of the service, I stopped singing. Not because I was tired, but because I noticed something that I don't guess I've ever really listened to. I heard an entire congregation singing to God with passion. I heard a church that loves God and loves each other. I heard keenagers and young adults and students and little kids singing in unison to the same God for different reasons.

I began to thank God for a worship leader that puts his heart and time and energy into planning and leading services that initiate intimate connection with the Creator. I thanked Him for a senior pastor that has a passion for reaching the lost and for truly caring about every soul. I thanked Him for youth pastors that care about their students and their students' friends and campuses; who have devoted their lives to growing students into rock-solid Christ-followers.

Our church made me proud. Congratulations, First Assembly! You're doing it right. You're doing exactly what God desires from us.

The moral of the story: God is with us in the fire. We just have to look for Him. I found Him tonight, waiting to wrap His arms around me and give me blessed assurance.



[I'm not sure, but I think "aspiration" is the "-ation" word of "aspire". I'm going to use the term anyway.]

An incredible aspiration it is, the life-journey towards leading souls in worship....

I'm ready to graduate college and get started in my career as a worship leader. Not to blow off my youth, but to finally become what I have been aspiring to become for quite some time.

This journey has been very neat to me....

I'll tell you the story:

It basically all started about 4 years ago, in January of 2003 (6th grade) when I decided to join the Reality Worship Team. So I did; I tried out with the song "My Glorious". From that point until May 18, 2005 I learned so much about leading worship behind a worship leader and even more about the musical aspect of the worship part of services. You wonder what happened on May 18, `05? I lead worship in Reality for the very first time! I lead "King of Majesty" and since it was the Tribute to the Eighth Grade night (my last night in J.H. and the last night I was to sing on the worship team under P.Steve's leadership as it was) I asked that the other song we sang be "My Glorious", the song I tried out with. That May 18th was the beginning of my great aspiration. The next Sunday night Reality sang in the sanctuary and guess what? I lead "King of Majesty"! That night before I walked up to sing, Pastor Steve told the congregation something that I will never forget. He quoted I Timothy 4:12 (at the top of my page under "My 4th Blog"). "Don't let anyone put you down because you're young." I like that. That brought a lot of self-confidence and desire to do more as a student and as a developing leader.

Since then I've co-lead worship with Mike and lead by myself a few times Reality. The coolest thing is that two times recently I have lead worship without Mike. I picked songs, conducted practice, and lead both services. It is the most awesome thing in the world, to have such a head-start in the thing you plan to do for the rest of your life, and to do something so important and necessary to do correctly, as a student (the people in the world who are considered immature and unreliable in most things).

Also, in between 8th and 9th grade I came up to the church every Tuesday and worked with Pastor Steve. He taught me so many things when we were at lunch or in the car or just sitting in his office discussing "The Air I Breath" by Louie Giglio. Between 9th and 10th grade I came to the church on Mondays, went to the staff meetings, and spent the day with P.Steve. I really enjoy spending that time with such an awesome mentor and role model.

Someday I want a Timothy to come hang out with me in my office and ride in my car so that I can teach him what an awesome thing worship and leading it is.

I can't wait to do it full time! Its going to be great!



I like the number 7.

I also like rain. And it rained today.

It was sort of uncomfortable wearing a backpack and holding a tux, bag, and umbrella at the bus stop this morning, but that didn't bother me too much. As a matter of fact, I overcame my circumstances well enough to listen to the peaceful drumming of the rain on my umbrella. I decided once I was on the bus that my favorite sound was rain, specifically rain that beats on an umbrella.

The whole rain thought led me on to remember Jason Dorsey's (AR Youth Alive missionary) illustration when he spoke at G5 Effect, Feb. 23rd, about the journey just one water molecule takes and has taken and will take during the existence of Earth. He made me come to a realization that there are just as many water molecules as their always has been and always will be. And they are the exact same molecules as they have been and will be. This is simply because of the nature of the water cycle.

I'm thinking...wow! This rain that I'm listening to on my umbrella while I have a handful of tuxes and bags and things quite possibly could be the same water that was evaporated out of Adam and Eve's bath, so to say, or better yet from the water Jesus was baptized in, or the water Pastor John spit out when he brushed his teeth with a few weeks ago (thank God for the water purification people at Central Arkansas Water). Who knows where my umbrella water has been!

That's what is neat. God knows where it has been. He remembers making that water molecule. Of all the droplets in the world, he remember that umbrella droplet specifically. He knows where it's been and where it is headed.

Same with us! He knows where we've been and exactly where we're going. He cares about us and wouldn't let us go down some other "water molecule's" path.

Don't worry. God is on your side. He'll never let you go. You are His. He knows exactly who you are and He cares enough to send you the right direction, just like he knows about the rain I like to listen to.

I hope you like my analogy. It's quite a bit different, but I kind of like it.

Have a great week!